Dear readers, a while ago I wrote a post on the MaFI-festo, a discussion paper that makes some suggestions on how to make development more effective (Boosting development effectiveness: what would need to change?). The basic assumption of the paper is that if we facilitate the market systems to change from within rather than through a number of direct and distorting interventions, we have better and more sustainable results.
The challenge to unleash the power of markets to end poverty goes on. The MaFI-festo now entered the MIX, the annual Harvard Business Review/McKinsey M-Prize for Management Innovation.
We need your help to push the MaFI-festo up the ranks of this competition!
What you can do
To see the application go to
Find out more about the M-Prize go to:
[Update] Unfortunately, the MaFI-festo contribution was not selected as a finalist for this years MIX. Nevertheless, we keep on promoting this initiative with a lot of enthusiasm.
Hi Marcus: many thanks for your great post promoting what I would call “Smart Aid” (which ironically, is much more than aid. Yes, yes… I know you don’t like the label “aid” but you’ve got to admit that it is catchier than “smart international development cooperation”!).
Unfortunately, MaFI did not make it into the 24 finalists of the MIX contest but this cool network stayed on the top 10 in terms of popularity and relevance whilst the contest lasted. It was down to the judges to make the last decision. But hey; such is life. I am sure that MaFI will keep on advocating for this idea, and with members like you, I am sure MaFI will achieve important things…
PS: could you update the last part of your post accordingly (no need to ask people more than checking the initiative out)? Many thanks!
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